To support 'Home Learning', we use Google Classroom.
Two different classrooms have been setup for each class. There is a 'Blog room', where pupils can say 'Hi' to their friends, post about what they've been up to, ask questions and chat with their teacher and classmates.
There will also be a 'Home Learning' room. Here teachers will post each week's 'Home learning' for pupils to find. Pupils are also able to show their teacher the work they are doing. Teachers will then be able to give 'feedback' on the learning submitted e.g. help little, explain where pupils could change or improve their work.
- Google Classroom is web based and should run in any web browser so, your first job is to go to:
- A pupil's username and password are the same for google classroom as they are for Purple Mash. When inputting their username pupils will need to make sure they add ‘’ after it.
- Pupils will then be sent to the Warwickshire LEA login page where they should re-enter their username and password.
- Pupils may then be prompted to check that the account they are using is theirs ‘Do you recognise this account?’ They should click ‘Yes’.
- Pupils should now be in Google Classroom, There is a short tutorial showing some features, eventually they will be prompted to join their first class by clicking the + icon in the right-hand corner.
- Pupils should then input the code for the classroom they want to join that their Class Teacher has included in the 'Home Learning' for that week.
- Pupil log-in details and Google Classroom codes are posted in the inside cover of pupil Homeworl Diaries.
- In the Blog Room pupils can comment on things other people have posted by clicking in the space below their post and typing.
- If pupils want to make a post of their own, click in the space that says 'Share something with your class.'
- If pupils want to add a picture or something similar they Click 'Add' and select from the menu either google drive, link, file or youtube. The picture will need to be on the device they are using for them to attach it.
- As Google Classroom is web based pupils can also access it from most smartphones or tablets which may make taking and adding pictures easier.
In the Home Learning room teachers have created an assignment which is this week's home learning. When pupils click on that assignment they will notice a section on the right-hand side called “My work”
- Pupils should click on the + sign which says “Add or create” and select doc from the dropdown menu.
- This document is now the place to write answers to the questions in the home learning or to attach a photo of their workbook page so their class teacher can see how they are getting on.
- To insert a picture click on 'Insert' which appears along the top line of the document, 'Image' appears as an option in the dropdown menu. (This may vary depending on the device as a smartphone may offer camera as an option.)
- Pupils can be logged into Google Classroom on more than one device at a time so it may be useful to use a laptop for most cases but adding a photo of work may be best achieved using a smartphone or tablet.
- Once pupils have added a photo or written an answers click 'Turn in' in the top right of the document. They will then be shown what they are handing in and asked if they want to proceed, click 'Hand in'.
- Class teachers will now receive the document and may feedback on it, then return it in due course.
- Pupils will then be able to make further changes or comments if they wish and hand it in again.
- If you have any login problems, please email