Feedback Guidance
The Purpose of feedback
To ensure children realise their full potential we believe that feedback should be aligned to our vision and values. We have identified that feedback of children’s work has a huge impact on their learning behaviour and the progress they make. It serves to:
- Give positive affirmation.
- Praise success, acknowledge and reward hard work.
- Gather evidence of the child’s understanding; highlight and diagnose misconceptions; assess gaps in learning and signpost the ways to improve.
- Inform planning for the next steps in the ‘Learning Journey.’
We have identified three levels of feedback:
- Effort (Growth Mindset): This is a way of giving positive affirmation, praising success and rewarding the efforts of the child.
- Editing and improving (Skill): Provides signposts for the child to make changes which will improve the standard of their work, and set achievable next steps (targets).
- Peer and Self-Assessment: Enables children to take ownership of their learning, understand how they have been successful and identify next steps (targets).
Success Criteria/Personalised Targets
To support learning, feedback codes (see below) and ‘Success Criteria’ slips are used to enable children to make sense of their learning and to understand their next steps (personalised targets.) Children are encouraged to respond to feedback in dedicated ‘Feedback Response Time’ and are encouraged to edit and improve their work regularly.
feedback Codes
- To avoid the child’s work being ‘spoilt,’ adults’ comments wherever possible are written in margins.