FREE Claverdon Primary School's iPhone & Android App

Claverdon Primary

Please download the School Gateway app

Currently less than 50% of our parents have downloaded the School Gateway app on their phone.

This app is simple to download and easy to use. You can see at a glance your child's dinner choices every day and top up their balance when required. You will also be able to view school visits, give consent for your child to attend and pay for these through the app.

School dinner money low balance notifications will reappear! The only option School Gateway has for a low balance notification is through the app/txt. With less than 50% of parents choosing to download the app we cannot use this at present due to the additional cost implications for our school. With the majority of parents on the app this is an option we could revisit and enable, making the process of paying for school dinners more efficient for all!

If you have any queries regarding School Gateway please do get in touch with Cat in the office!

For more information on how to download the School Gateway app please see our previous news article here: School Gateway