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Claverdon Primary

Reception Home Learning Guidance

Google Classroom

We have set up classrooms for each class. Here we will post any information about each week's home learning for you to find.

First let's get you into Google Classroom and finding your class.

  • Google Classroom is web based and should run in any web browser so, your first job is to go to:
  • When inputting your username make sure you add onto it. This information can be found in the front of the reading diary
  • You will then be sent to the Warwickshire LEA login page where you should re-enter your username and password.
  • You may then be prompted to check that the account you are using is indeed yours “do you recognise this account?” You click yes.
  • You should now be in Google Classroom, there should be a short tutorial showing you some features, eventually you will be prompted to join your first class by clicking the + icon in the right hand corner.

You should then input the code for the classroom which is 7l72gul.


  • In the Home Learning room I have created an assignment which is this week's home learning. When you click on that assignment you will notice a section on the right-hand side called “my work”
  • You should click on the + sign which says “Add or create” and select doc from the dropdown menu.
  • This document is now the place to write answers to the questions in the home learning or to attach a photo of your workbook page so your teacher can see how you are getting on.
  • To insert a picture click on “insert” which appears along the top line of the document, “image” appears as an option in the dropdown menu. (This may vary depending on your device as a smartphone may offer camera as an option.)
  • You can be logged into Google Classroom on more than one device at a time so it may be useful to use a laptop for most use cases but adding a photo of your work may be best achieved using a smartphone or tablet.
  • Once you have added a photo or written your answers click “turn in” in the top right of the document. You will then be shown what you are handing in and asked if you want to proceed, click “Hand in”.
  • Your teacher will now receive that document and may mark or comment on it, then return it to you in due course, this may not be immediately.  For urgent matters that require a detailed response, please email rather than commenting in the ‘Private Comments’ section.
  • You will then be able to make further changes or comments if you wish and hand it in again.
  • And so on.
  • Please note that you are not required to add an image as most of reception home learning will be sent home in the red phonic book on a Friday, to be returned the following Thursday for marking.  Math’s homework is set on Mathletics, the codes are in the front of reading diaries.

If you find it tricky to access Google Classroom, please do not worry. It was quite tricky for us to learn how to set it up too!  Please do try to persevere with it and continue to complete the home learning as usual.