Stars of week 24
Please click on an image to read about this week's Stars
Stars-of-Week-24 (ID 2041)
Our star of the week is Sebastian.
We are really proud of the effort that Sebastian has put into this week's learning. He has blown us away within his independent writing, spelling all words correctly and using his amazing phonic knowledge. He also blew us away with his effort in drawing during our Article of the Week. He spent a lot of time adding detail to show what his healthy ocean would look like.
Well done Sebastian!
JoshuaYear 1
In Year 1, our star of the week is Joshua.
Joshua has come to school after the Easter holidays with the most amazing attitude. He is showing increased resilience and responsibility, making sure he focuses on his learning and achieves the objectives for each lesson. It has been so wonderful to see the improvement in his work and I am exceptionally proud of him.
Well done, Joshua!
Joshua can have photos.
NoahYear 2
Noah has been working incredibly hard this week, focusing on finding fractions of an amount and numbers. Noah has been using his growth mindset attitude to tackle these mathematical problems and we are so proud of him. We have particularly enjoyed the pictorial representations Noah has used!
Well Done Noah! You have had a great first week back.
CarysYear 3
Our Star of the Week in Year Three is Carys.
Carys always comes into school most positively with a smile and a 'good morning.' Over the last term in particular, she has developed a great growth mindset. She has taken on the feedback that she has been given, and has shown what a resilient learner she can be. Carys has taken care to present her learning carefully, working on presentation and proof reading her work. She most recently earnt her pen licence in response to her taking on her feedback and putting it into action. We are very proud of your attitude to your learning and your role as UNICEF Ambassador.
Well done Carys!
OllieYear 4
Our Year 4 star this week is Ollie.
Ollie is fun-loving, full of energy and always positive, inspiring those around him with his enthusiastic approach to life. He is a supportive friend and learning partner and is always polite and respectful towards the adults in school.
Well done Ollie – we are very proud of you.
OliverYear 5
Year 5s star of the week this week is Oliver.
Oliver, is a fantastic member of the class to have giving his all to every lesson and quietly doing everything to the best of his ability. Oliver has shone particularly this week though, flying in his maths as well as completing an outstanding double page spread, he has really come back after the holiday with a bang! As well as achieving in class, Oliver is also a great friend; he has some lovely relationships within the year 5 classroom as a kind and well-meaning boy, who is always making ‘the right choice’. Oliver is an utter joy to have in the class and we are so lucky to have him adding to our year 5 group!
Go you Oliver, thank you so much for making our class a better place to be in!
Ben L.Year 6
Ben L.
Ben's attitude towards learning has been exceptional this year - even more so in the last week!
It is obvious for all adults within school that Ben is determined to be the very best that he can be: he is demonstrating exceptional listening in our lessons and this is really showing in his work. Ben - your presentation and your knowledge are going from strength to strength... keep this up. Ben is also arguably the greatest goalkeeper in Warwickshire/Europe for his age and we are beyond proud of his football achievements in and out of school.
Ben - you're doing really, really well - keep going!
Recognising Success4Rs
Recognising Success