Stars of week 4
Please click on an image to read about this week's Stars
Stars-of-Week-4 (ID 2023)
Our star of the week is Oscar. Oscar has settled into Reception really well, forming some lovely friendships groups. Oscar has a lovely singing voice, and he shows us this all this when he is role playing in the small world, which is currently the Three Bears Cottage. It is lovely to listen to the vocabulary that he uses from the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears which he is role playing with the characters and props. Oscar has obviously listened really well when we shared the text earlier in the week. Well done Oscar!
JonahYear 1
Our Star of the Week in Year 1 is Jonah for his amazing efforts across the curriculum. He always tries his best and carefully completes any task he is given. He takes his time and ensures he works to the highest standard. Jonah is a kind friend and he is always supportive of others. He constantly has a massive smile on his face which lights up the classroom. Jonah is an amazing role model in his behaviour and attitude to learning and he should be very proud of an incredible start to Year 1. Well done, Jonah!
MayaYear 2
The Year 2 star this week is Maya. Maya has had a brilliant week! She has not only had her birthday but has also amazed us with her use of expanded noun phrases and co-ordinations in English. Maya has an instinctive love for science and has been really impressing us with her knowledge on the human body. Maya is consistently engaged during all lessons, and it is always lovely to hear her thoughtful responses or ideas. Well Done, Maya, we are really proud of you!
Betsy RoseYear 3
Betsy Rose
Betsy Rose is our star this week. She has really impressed us over the last week, with her resilience in coming into school so positively and with a smile on her face too. Betsy Rose has been developing a great growth mind set, particularly in maths and writing lessons. She is keen to try her best and respond to her marking, to make improvements. Keep trying your best Besty Rose, we are so proud of you, well done!
NathanYear 4
This week, our star in Year 4 is Nathan. Since the first week of term, Nathan has been challenging himself to produce the best work that he can. He has worked so incredibly hard in every single lesson and transformed both the content and presentation of his work. In particular, his work on describing a Spartan warrior was outstanding, as was his science work on teeth. He has been a fantastic role model to the rest of the class, showing that you can achieve your goals with hard work and determination. Keep going Nathan!
MaxYear 5
Max is our star of the week this week. After being in the running for star of the week last week, Max has continued his excellent work, applying himself in every single lesson we have had. He is a constant presence within the class, looking to add to other people's points and is often one of the first to have his hand up to offer a fantastic insight into his own thoughts. Max has been a strong social presence within the class too and has been a reliable friend to those around him. We are so proud of Max for all of his input over both this week last week and the way in which he has started the term! Keep up the good work Max!
BeatriceYear 6
Beatrice truly has had a wonderful start to life in Year 6! In every lesson, she is fully focused and always strives to be at her best! Beatrice - we have been really impressed with your creative writing... we can really tell you are enjoying our narrative work! 'The moon swung between light and an eerie gloom as the figures made Rose's heart bang against her chest' - this is just one of your awesome ideas! Beatrice, thank you for your wonderful start and keep it up... you are going to have a legendary year!