Stars of week 9
Please click on an image to read about this week's Stars
Stars-of-Week-9 (ID 2029)
Our star of the week is Minnie. We have chosen Minnie because she has a kind natured personality and is very often seen supporting peers that are finding things a little tricky. Minnie is incredibly patient with these peers, and she always offers her support and guidance.
Minnie is also our segmenting fingers star and when taking part in oral blending is incredibly accurate. She does not mind sharing these skills with her friends. Minnie is always interested in the continuous provision within the classroom environment and has been observed drawing tuk tuk's, writing her name and role playing.
Well done Minnie!
CharlotteYear 1
Year 1s star of the week this week is Charlotte. We couldn't be prouder of her for her incredible story telling this week. We have been studying the story 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne and we have all drawn a story map which have been practising using to retell the story. Charlotte used the most incredible language to add interest when retelling her story. I was so amazed by her that I asked Mr Tyler to hear it. Seeing as he was in a training session with 14 other teachers, he asked if Charlotte would be brave enough to read it to them all, which she did beautifully, adding expression and voices for characters.
Charlotte has not only amazed me during this task, but her attitude to learning has greatly improved and she has become a star learner. Her hand always shoots up to answer questions which she does thoughtfully and insightfully. Her handwriting is becoming beautiful too.
I am so impressed with Charlotte this week and hope she continues to show the same enthusiasm for learning throughout her time at school.
BeauYear 2
Beau has had an amazing week in Year 2. This week we have really seen Beau's confidence related to reading grow and flourish, as she answered her 'find and copy questions' incredibly accurately, independently, and carefully. Beau has always been a great role model, trying her hardest within the classroom and being kind and caring to her peers.
Well Done Beau - keep up the good work, we are really proud of you!
MiaYear 3
Our Star of the Week this week is Mia. Mia takes a lot of pride in her work and contributes well to all her lessons. She enjoys her learning and always asks questions if she is unsure. She is a great support and an amazing friend to all her peers. Year 3 would not be the same without her.
Well done Mia, we are very proud of you!
GraceYear 4
Our star of the week in Year 4 is Grace. Grace is a fabulous member of our class and she is always full of energy and enthusiasm for her learning. This week we have been drafting our suspense story and she has been working incredibly hard to include the new skills that we have been learning, as well as writing a really entertaining story. Grace loves being helpful and she keeps our class incredibly organised and can be relied upon to remind us of things we may have forgotten! Thank you Grace - our class would not be the same without you.
BillyYear 5
This week's year 5 star of the week is Billy. Billy is a joy to teach working as both a bank of knowledge, as well as a smiley face in the classroom.
First and foremost, Billy enters the classroom each day with a hello and a smile on his face, he is polite, kind natured and a good friend to those around him. Billy has demonstrated his resilience this year when working on understanding why other hold different beliefs and values. To add to this Billy also constantly demonstrates success as a diligent worker, he has worked hard on his handwriting and presentation, but particularly in maths is able to fly through the questions accurately and with clear workings too.
It is such a joy seeing Billy succeed and we are so proud of him.
Well done Billy!
NoahYear 6
Noah is our star this week because of his inspiring attitude towards learning. Since starting Year 6, Noah has really pushed himself in all lessons. In our writing, Noah is consciously thinking about the impact he wants his writing to have on the reader - we can't wait to read his suspense story! In history and geography, Noah has really contributed to our class discussions with his own insightful knowledge. Noah - if you keep pushing yourself, you are going to do so, so well this year!
Well done!
KS2 Girls Football TeamMatch Report
KS2 Girls Football Team
Match Report - Tanworth vs Claverdon (17.11.22)
As we stepped out onto the school field everyone had mixed emotions, we knew it was a tough game last time, but with our amazing coaching from Andy Folwell we had definitely improved and were determined to win again! The first half was tough, we had a few very close chances, but so did they. With our amazing defence of Bea and Mala, we had nothing to worry about as they provided a solid foundation, and no one could get past them.
Eventually, Erin's amazing goalkeeping came into play as she made an exceptional save with her face! But of course, she got up and said she was completely fine! She sent an accurate kick into their box and with a bit of passing the ball landed at Annie's feet she sent a shot through the box and with such force it whipped past the keeper. This only happened because of our great teamwork and efforts not to be selfish and pass the ball! 1-0! Eventually the whistle blew for half time, and we went over to the to discuss new positions and tactics. Mala sent an awesome pass across to Freya in central midfield who soon passed to Annie, as she tried to cross the ball into the box, she received a foul, causing a deflection of her left foot, however, it bounced off the post into the goal! 2-0! Great work from our Claverdon girls' team and another great goal to add to the scoreboard. The next goal was an awesome play of passing by Annabelle to Hannah and Hannah to Ellie, then Ellie to Annie at the back post a simple tap in! More amazing teamwork!
The goal after that was another simple tap in but this time a swift dribble around the goalkeeper and... BANG! 4-0! There were a few injuries along the way, but everyone was extremely tough and carried on. With our amazing team of footballers there was no way that we could have lost. Well done, Claverdon, everyone played impeccably, and we deserved the win! We couldn't have done it without the organisation and referring from Miss Turner and the amazing support from the sidelines, especially from Mr. Tyler.
Thank you everybody for making this possible.
Written by Annie Husband and Eleanor Hudson
Freya4Rs - Recognise Success