Year 4 visit to Hazard Alley
To complement our PSHE curriculum, Year 4 will be visiting Hazard Alley at The National Safety Centre in Milton Keynes on Wednesday 3rd July 2024. During our visit, the children will be immersed safely in an everyday world of risks and dangers in the life-size realistic safety village. The children will be led through twelve everyday scenarios looking for hazards and giving them skills and strategies to keep themselves safe.
We are requesting a voluntary contribution of £31 per child to cover the cost of the session and coach hire. Please make your payment using School Gateway, where you will also be asked to confirm your consent, by Wednesday 19th June 2024.
Whilst this payment is voluntary, we will not be able to run the trip unless the cost is covered. If you have difficulty making this payment please contact the office in confidence in advance.
We hope all the children will have an enjoyable and memorable day.
Mrs Bowden-Williams