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Claverdon Primary

Medical & Illness Arrangements


Children should be kept at home if they are sick or unwell.

If your child is ill you MUST contact the school by telephone (24hr answer phone) as soon as possible on the first day of the absence. The school is legally responsible for your child and if we do not have prior notification of absence we will contact you by phone to confirm the whereabouts of your child. If we are unable to contact you we may assume your child is missing and the Police may be contacted.

If a child suffers from diarrohea and/or vomiting they must be kept at home for 48 hours to reduce the risk of spreading infection

Our staff are only trained to provide immediate first aid.  If an emergency arises and it is necessary to send a child to hospital, we will make contact with you as soon as we can. 

It is important that the school has the home telephone number for each child and also a contact number in case of emergency.

If your child does need to leave during school hours it is essential that:

  • he or she is collected by a parent/guardian or named responsible adult, from the school office
  • the collecting adult must complete and sign the book in the school office.

If your child needs to take medication (prescribed by a GP or other), please contact the school office to arrange an appropriate time where you can attend school to administer their medication.

School staff are not required to administer medication. However, in certain circumstances trained first aiders may be willing to accept responsibility for administering medication.

Please contact the school office if you would like to discuss your child’s medication.

Children's hair is no longer checked for head lice by the medical authorities, and the school staff are not permitted to check children’s' hair.  Outbreaks occasionally occur and it is important that parents are vigilant in carrying out regular checks at home and we ask that you inform the school immediately if you do find head lice so that we can advise parents, and hopefully limit the spread of the problem.

 Medical Permission Form

Medical (or other) Appointments

Whenever possible, all appointments should be made outside school hours. If it is necessary to take your child out of school for an appointment then an 'Appointment Notification' form must be completed and submitted (online or via the Greenhouse App) prior to the day of the appointment.

 Appointment Notification Form (online)