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Claverdon Primary


Meet the governors

Governors (ID 2050)

  • Mr. Steven Timberlake
    Chair of Governors (Co-Opted)
  • Mr. Steve Greenway
    Vice-chair (LA Governor)
  • Mrs. Rosa Shepherd
  • Mrs. Debbie Bevan
    Staff Govenor
  • Mr. Mark Foulerton
    Parent Governor
  • Mrs. Victoria Jenkins
    Co-opted Governor
  • Mr. Paul Redfern-Hubbold
    Co-opted Governor
  • Mrs. Sally Puar
    Co-opted Governor
  • Mr. Dan Powell
  • Mrs. Emma Basden-Smith
    Parent Governor
  • Mrs. Jennifer Smith
    Co-opted Governor

On the Governing Board there are people representing different groups such as parents, teachers and members of the local community.

The overall purpose of the Governing Board is to help Claverdon Primary School provide the best possible education for its pupils, in order to develop every child's full potential.

This involves, in particular:

  • setting the school's vision and strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies, and making creative use of resources;
  • monitoring and evaluating performance and acting as a critical friend to the headteacher, in order to support and challenge them in managing the school;
  • ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, its local community, those who fund and maintain it, as well as the staff it employs.

Good governance makes an impact in the classroom and Claverdon Governors aim to contribute to high standards of attainment, together with good quality teaching and pupil behaviour.

The Governors actively support the School and staff with the implementation of the School Curriculum, Local Authority requirements and the National Curriculum Regulations.

The Governors aim to encourage a caring partnership between the School, Parents and Governors based on trust and a shared understanding in order that the child's education can be for the benefit of the child, school and community.

Organisation and Responsibilities

The Full Governing Board consists of 12 Governors. Our Chair of Governors is Mr Steven Timberlake who can be contacted via the school office.

Governing Board Information 2023/24All of our governors have specific responsibilities covering both strategic and curriculum areas, They are paired with teachers and work with them to monitor school activity and policies in specific areas.

 A matrix of responsibilities for our governing board can be found below:

Governor Link Responsibilities 2023/24

Two meetings per term are held with the focus on either Resources or Performance and Standards.

Governor Meeting Dates 2023/24

Resources Role

The purpose of this meeting is to help enable the Governing Board to fulfil its core functions related to “overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent” (Governance Handbook November 2015).

It will do this by:

  • preparing draft budget plans for review and approval
  • planning, monitoring and scrutinising the school budget
  • ensuring funding is in place to support effective provision for the school’s strategic improvement priorities. 

Performance & Standards Role

The purpose of this meeting is to help enable the Governing Body to fulfil its core functions related to “holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff” (Governance Handbook November 2015).

By monitoring and challenging the impact of teaching and learning in school, the Performance and Standards Meeting will review and evaluate outcomes for all pupils and groups of pupils to ensure they achieve in line with their individual capabilities.

It will do this through a range of monitoring activities which may include:

  • Evaluation and analysis of Raiseonline and other school performance data
  • Co-ordinated classroom visits, learning walks and book trawls
  • Meetings with stakeholders including children and staff members
  • Taking into account information from professionals internal and external to the school.

Conflict of Interest

Our Governors have declared the following interests which may influence their governing role:

  • Business Interest

- Mr Greenway has declared an interest as his wife is a member of staff

  • Financial Interest - None
  • Governance role in another school  - None

Governor Attendance

Individual governor attendance at meetings is given in the following:

Governor Attendance Data 2022-23

Governor Attendance Data 2021-22