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Claverdon Primary

Our Curriculum

What is our Curriculum Vision?

We are very passionate about all things curriculum at Claverdon!

We strive to provide all our children with the powerful knowledge they need to become global citizens who are ultimately ready to make a genuine difference to the world around us. Our curriculum meets the individual needs of all pupils through our ambitious, carefully-sequenced and knowledge-rich approach. It has been carefully designed to provide children with opportunities to recognise, understand and celebrate diversity. Alongside this, we strive to inspire a passion for discovery and a thirst for learning. Through immersing our children in so many varied, and important, concepts, we stretch our children’s intellectual horizons and independence of mind, empowering them to be articulate communicators committed to a better future for all. In line with our school values and Rights Respecting School ethos, we want our children to use their powerful knowledge to inspire and empower positive change beyond our school gates.

Our Curriculum Overview

We are proud to offer our children a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum that truly inspires a passion for discovery!

Take a look at our Curriculum Overview to see the inspiring journey our children experience at Claverdon!

Curriculum Overview

 Our curriculum comprises:

  • The formal curriculum defined by the statutory orders of the National Curriculum and the EYFS Curriculum.
  • The Religious Education Curriculum in accordance with the Warwickshire agreed syllabus (SACRE).
  • The additional curricular provision of PSHE and Citizenship (including Sex Education and ‘The Taking Care Project’) throughout the school.
  • Swimming lessons for KS2 children who cannot swim (during the summer term).
  • A Foreign Language (French) taught in all Key Stage 2 classes.
  • A wide range of extra-curricular activities, which are voluntarily undertaken by teachers or outside providers, outside of curriculum hours.