Dealing with concerns at the earliest opportunity
If parents, pupils or members of the public have concerns they should discuss their concerns with the member of staff most directly involved.
We expect the majority of concerns will be resolved in this way (and not recorded as a formal complaint). However if not the nest steps would be to discuss their concerns with the Headteacher.
This is Stage 1 of the formal procedure which can be found below:
Dealing with Complaints Policy and Procedure
Principles informing our complaints procedure
This procedure is designed to:
- be well publicised and easily accessible
- be simple to understand and use
- be impartial
- be non-adversarial
- allow swift handling with established time limits for action and keeping people informed of the progress
- allow a mediation process if agreed by the complainant
- allow for a hearing of a panel of Governors, where appropriate
- respect people's desire for confidentiality, wherever possible
- address all points of issue, provide an effective response and appropriate redress where necessary
- provide information to the school's Senior Leadership Team so that services can be improved.
- ensure a full and fair investigation by an independent person where necessary.