admission Arrangments
Applying for a primary school place
Children generally start school in the Autumn of the academic year in which they turn 5 years old. We have a single class entry for Reception in September each year with a maximum of 30 places. Parents should make an online application to Warwickshire Admissions by mid January of the starting year.
Further details are available on the WCC website at:
Open mornings
We are delighted to be able to invite prospective parents, whose child is due to start school in September 2023, into the school for an informal tour of our setting. Our open mornings will take place on:
- Thursday 6th October 2022, 9.30 - 11.00am
- Thursday 3rd November 2022, 9.30 - 11.00am
- Thursday 1st December 2022, 9.30 - 11.00am
If you wish to attend one of our open mornings, please contact the school office on 01926 842 403 or email with your full name and telephone number.
Catchment Area
Please click here to view an interactive map which will show priority areas for schools.
Moving school (in-year)
If you are interested in your child joining our school, maybe because you are moving house or wish you child to transfer from a different local school, please contact the office in the first instance to discuss if spaces are available in the year group. We would then arrange for you to visit school and meet the Head Teacher for a tour round and to discuss your circumstances.
Requests for a place are then made online to Warwickshire Admissions via their website at: